Manutention des matières en vrac
Les usines métallurgiques manipulent des matériaux très diversifiés dont la manipulation demeure une source essentielle de difficultés opérationnelles.

Il n'y a pas de substitut à l'expérience quand il s'agit de concevoir ces systèmes et une connaissance spécifique de la nature des matériaux est essentielle.

En utilisant les meilleurs outils avec les bonnes entrées recueillies à partir d'une exposition extensive en usine, nos systèmes sont conçus pour un fonctionnement sans problèmes.

Qu'il s'agisse de minerai ou de concentré, de produits intermédiaires et de matériaux de recyclage, de particules grossières et fines ou de poussières ou de boues, notre équipe a sûrement rencontré votre contexte particulier et peut apporter des solutions qui permettent de ne plus mettre l'emphase,sur une base régulière, sur cette zone de l'usine.
Traitement des minerais
Qu'il s'agisse de la réduction de la taille du ROM à des particules fines fines, y compris la classification et l'application des technologies de tri de minerai de pointe, notre équipe peut concevoir une usine rentable et fiable qui fournit l'alimentation nécessaire pour un traitement efficace.

La séparation minérale, qu'il s'agisse de gravimétrie, de flottation ou de magnétisme, sont des domaines d'expertise qui sont disponibles.

Avec une connaissance particulière des problèmes très difficiles de la manipulation des rejets de fonderie, où les matérieux manipulés sont des types de mélanges très variés, notre équipe peut faire face aux problèmes les plus difficiles et fournir des solutions réalistes.
With extensive experience in sulphide smelting and electric furnace smelting, our team consists of experts who combine deep technical knowledge with pragmatism that comes from exposure to real world operations.

With familiarity of all oxygen and electric sulphide smelting technologies in base metals or platinum, as well as titanium, ferro-alloys and others, we have the knowledge and skills to offer high-quality lean effective services for every part of the operation, including slag handling, pyro- and electro-refining, casting, air separation and compression, water treatment and others.
Our experts have exposure to all major hydrometallurgical processes, be in gold CIL/CIP/POX, nickel laterite pressure leach, conventional copper HL/SX/EW, to more exotic processes such as smelter dust treatment or copper concentrate leaching.

They have not only been involved in design/construction/commissioning, but have significant operating experience and understand typical challenges such as materials of construction selection and the impacts of variable mineralogy.
Manutention et traitement des effluents gazeux
We have deep expertise with 40 years of experience shared by the associates.

Be it waste heat recovery, hot gas cleaning, scrubbing, filtering or acid making of strong or lower strength gas, or the capture and treatment of fugitive gas emissions, our team has personal experience of the wide variety of available technology backed up with hands-on experience of real world systems and their idiosyncrasies.

Reliable effective gas systems can be designed, built, and operated provided the correct skills and experience are brought to bear. We have that knowledge.
Traitement des effluents
The increasingly complex treatment of scrubber blowdown and associated minor element fixation is frequently a source of problems in operations and a frequent cause of environmental exceedances.

Techniques such as high density precipitation are regularly touted by rarely live up to promised performance.

Our team brings knowledge of multiple plants including some of an extremely complex nature that have met and on occasions exceeded their targeted specification with regards to product quality and effluent cleanliness.

Our people have also improved the performance of existing operations by applying their deep understanding to define better operating parameters.
Contôle de procédés
With the advent of big data analytics, cloud computing and enterprise systems, process control is elevated from simple DCS control to that which feeds IT/OT integration enabling advanced business capabilities such as integrated supply chain management and nimble market driven operational optimizations to maximize asset value in both the short and long term.

Cognisance of these modern demands is key to developing control strategies that are both tailored for the demand of the client but carry the architecture to enable full advantage to be taken of the rapidly advancing IT.

Our team fully appreciates and understands these requirements and brings them to the table for optimal process control implementation.
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©2017 - Canadian Engineering Associates Ltd.
Concentrator, Smelter, consulting engineering services, mining and metals industry, furnaces, mining and metallurgy, mines, copper, lead, electrometallurgy, pierce smith convertor, Contact us with our email address, contact us at the following telephone number, Our Location, CAENG-Expertise